"Ghosdeeri" appears to be incorrectly named

The “Ghosdeeri” is a fairly well-known item that’s been around for a long time. However it never stood right with me that it was named “Ghosdeeri” and not “Ghostdeeri” and I’m honestly not sure if this intentional or not, however I lean towards the latter for the following reasons:

  • The texture is aptly named “GhostdeeriTheCursed
  • The Ghosdeeri’s retextures are named “Doomsekkar” and “The Dusekkar”, which feature the full words “Doom” and “Dusek” respectively, combined with another made-up word to create the item name. “Ghosdeeri” is the only outlier in this series of three flame pumpkin hats to break that consistency, by only featuring a part of the word “Ghost” and not the full word.
  • Ghostdeeri just sounds cooler lol

Expected behavior

I would expect “Ghosdeeri” to be renamed to “Ghostdeeri” to make it slightly more consistent with its texture name


This is a great find, in fact i thought it was called ghostdeeri already because its widely known as that :grin: unsure if its us preannouncing it wrong though and it just being easy enough for us to now say.

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Considering @DarkGenex made this item and there hasn’t been any change (and there would have been a change as this item was made through the RAOC years ago), this isn’t a necessary item to fix.

If DarkGenex wants it to be changed, he should be the one to make the request.


The Ghosdeeri is a retexture made by DarkGenex, with the original model and texture over here.

Ghosdeeri, the Cursed Spirit [PUBLISHED]

As far back as the original tweet revealing the Ghosdeeri retexture, it’s been called the Ghosdeeri, with no t. This has been the name used in all of the campaigning DarkGenex did to encourage players to ask for this as an official hat. He’s even gone on record correcting others on the name, spelling it as Ghosdeeri.

Original Ghosdeeri Announcement Tweet

Correcting the spelling of Ghosdeeri

Just because the portmanteau uses part of a word doesn’t mean it needs to use the entire word. To change the name would be very disrespectful to the original artist. The spelling is intentional.


honestly didn’t know this, my bad gang

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That reply saying the post wasn’t needed took me by surprise to be fair

The roblox texture literally is named Ghostdeeri, he has all right to make this post
Didnt know people went so crazy over a pumpkin with horns to the point where they had to had to find buried tweets