This results in certain defects shown below that are not visible on the Dusekkar or Doomsekkar, but are visible on Ghosdeeri due to it’s lower quality texture.
I’m wondering if this ‘lower quality’ version of the texture is the direct one that came from DarkGenex’s retexture itself or just a mistake on roblox’s end when creating it.
It’s the direct one that came from DarkGenex’s retexture. Also, they seem to have closed my post without at least a reply… I don’t really understand why, I get that they don’t wanna change older item’s aesthetics now but this is a near 1:1 recreation of the original texture that fixes issues that are not even present on older versions of the hat like Dusekkar/Doomsekkar. It’s kind of a shame.
I mean, i can’t blame them for not changing older item’s aesthetics now cuz the community are gonna cry when a singular triangle gets shaded.
No im not kidding, some people got angry cuz they don’t want an unshaded triangle from the classic visor mesh to be reshaded.
Roblox staff (Specifically Klaugrana001) have stated in other threads that classic items will not be fixed. I personally disagree with their decision but here’s a source for it anyway: Z-fighting on Aquarium Hat - #2 by Klaugrana001
I don’t think people would be angry about this one since all the other hats in this series have a higher quality texture. Plus the low resolution of the texture doesn’t have a “classic charm”, it just looks worse. It’s unfortunate that Roblox decided not to look into this
I don’t understand what the issue with this bug report would even be, there’s no reason for someone to want texture issues this isn’t an extreme design choice being changed if this was fixed either way
Thank you for flagging this. As some folks have mentioned, we are not making aesthetic changes like this at this point in time. We are not disagreeing that it could look better. The reasons we’re not making these changes are:
This is low impact, and doesn’t cause any crashes, freezes, or performance issues on any platforms.
Many people are attached to how it currently looks.
There are so many of these types of issues, and we lack the staff to address all of them, so we’re prioritizing the higher impact ones first.