"Ghost" Humanoids. Humanoid not dying

I am stuck with this issue. I don’t think it’s a bug though.

So once any NPC/Humanoid has been removed of all of it’s health, sometimes, the humanoid keeps going.
As in, example: A zombie would still go after you even if you damage it all the way to zero.

Sometimes, even if I see the joints of a NPC break, they NPC is still there and somehow “Alive”.

RemoteEvents seems to be the fix but I have no clue from which direction I should do it.

Humanoid is in workspace. Even with a healthbar down to zero it’s still up and going.

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Why don’t you try adding a:

if Zombie.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
    --do stuff

A small workaround that should help fix your problem. You can also use a variable, and if that variable is true then the NPC will keep going, else the NPC will stop “working”. You can do that with Humanoid.Died


How are players dealing damage to the NPCs? Is it happening from a localscript?

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As @Blokav is suggesting, the NPCs might be dying only on your client and not the server—you should check whatever script contains the relevant code and go from there

I would also caution against this as exploiters can fire the event themselves if it’s sent through a localscript (which is where the damage function may be located if you’re having this issue)

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Exactly. An important thing to do when working with remotes is called sanity checks - basically limiting how much control the player has over the weapon’s damage.

So instead of the weapon script firing a remote saying Take *this* much damage from *this* player., the signal should be more along the lines of I'm firing a bullet from *this* position in *this* direction. Then the server would have the authority to determine if the parameters are valid, whether a player/NPC was hit, and apply damage accordingly.


It is indeed from local scripts.

I don’t have much worry for exploiters, I build places and make games mainly just for myself and close friends.

Seems like it’s doing it. Thanks a lot.

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