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I want to parent cloned Tools to the Player’s Backpack -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
In ServerScriptService
You can see that im trying to Clone Tools from a Storage by Name to the Players Backpack.
And on Paper that works pretty well.
The Problem is that the Tool never actually reaches the Players Backpack.
Here you can see the output from the 3 prints I did above after the Clone
It shows what its supposed to show. Its a Tool and its parented to the Players Backpack
But when i actually look into the Players Backpack, its not there.
- What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
- Tried figuring it out for 2 Hours
- Searched for similiar Problems
- Tried asking in a discord server but no one answered
Here is the code for the function that handles the item contribution
local function GiveItems()
local Inventory = PlayerDataHandler:Get(plr,"Inventory")
local Tools = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Tools
for i,v in pairs(Inventory) do
if v.Type == "Ability" then
local Copy = Tools.Abilities[v.ToolName][v.ToolName]:Clone()
Copy.Parent = plr.Backpack
elseif v.Type == "Item" then
local Copy = Tools.Items[v.ToolName][v.ToolName]:Clone()
Copy.Parent = plr.Backpack