Giant black box appearing on startup

RTX 3060 Ti
32GB ram

This giant black box appears when studio starts up. When I kill the studio process the box disappears but stays if I close using the “X”. If I reopen studio the box disappears but then reappears. The box blocks everything on my primary monitor except for the task bar and is layered in front of every window behind it.

Expected behavior
I expect studio to launch without the black box.


  • I initially thought this was a wallpaper engine bug until I restarted my PC without wallpaper engine on autostart and the issue persists.
  • Restarting studio multiple times fixes the issue sometimes but studio is so laggy and choppy (~15FPS) compared to my usual 60. Even the script editor lags. (Edit: This is actually a separate issue)
  • Opening something using the view tab adds the black box back


  • My medal overlay was causing a black screen on apps/games it recognized

0.630.0.6300556_20240622T001023Z_Studio_3A30E_last.log (71.9 KB)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Closing this out, sounds like you have a solution.

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