Git shows differences if I compare one way, but not the other

I want to merge this branch into the master, but it won’t let me. When I compare the two files one way (master --> Nic-Branch), it says there is no difference, but the other way (Nic-Branch --> Master), bare differences.

Any help would be great!

This is just how Git works; it’s entirely diff based (to put it extremely simply). The Nic-branch has diffs that master doesn’t, and it knows that. Doesn’t work the other way around, though. master has no knowledge of what’s going on inside Nic-branch.

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Oh maybe I’ve got myself confused lol. How do I merge my changes from Nic into master? If I create a PR, it still says no difference.

If you have a git terminal, it should be as easy as

git checkout master # switch branch to master
git merge Nic-branch # Merge Nic-branch’s diffs
git push origin master # Push to GitHub

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