Give access to certain people so they don't have to pay for a game

Gonna bring up this suggestion again. I think it would be very beneficial to us!

Also, maybe have the option to give access to a game only if you’re in the correct role?

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You mean how PBS (Personal Build Server) Was before…
I don’t get why that was never implemented on ALL games.
As that would get the game owners to get easy acess to blacklist people.
And Restrict give acess to Alpha/Beta Testing a game.

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I approve of this request :ok_hand:

It would be nice if you could allow only a certain rank in a group in - I currently have a rank called testers which I would want to give access to the game.


This would be nice, as pretty much everyone has said.

I think this could be an interesting feature to implement. It would allow for flexibility & for true supporters of a game to be rewarded.

I’d like to see more options when it comes to access & the game page. The ability to design the page of a game to suit it’s theme could also be an interesting feature. Imagine a game such as MeepCity with a cool theme to the game page.


Would be great it if you could have paid access, but you whitelist friends and other people (like VIP servers) to not pay the paid access.

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You should totally make that your own thread as a suggestion.


This would be EXTREMELY useful for testing or promotional uses. 100% agree with this feature.