Give Attachments on the Same Assembly Unique Names

When all your attachments are named “Attachment0”, it is really hard to distinguish in the properties browser which one we want to use, especially for things like VectorForce which have no 3D representation in the view.

Naming them “AttachmentXXXX” where XXXX is a random int would be better.

Not sure how Studio names them by default right now. Most of mine are named Attachment0 with an Attachment1 thrown in occassionally.


Shouldn’t you just change their names by hand so that they more accurately represent what they’re intended to be used for? What you’re asking for is a jarring and inconsistent UX change that I’m not so sure I agree with. What’s your use case, how would it improve your current workflow?

Random integers are not all that better than the current behaviour where attachments you insert are just named “Attachment”. You should get into the habit of naming your attachments or using the constraint viewer to know what and where you’re connecting constraints.


I don’t want to rename anything while I’m building. It’s fiddly and tedious. It’s common to have parts with 4-6 attachments and the current defaults don’t help.

If Studio wanted to rename my attachments to have something to do with the physics object (rope, linearvelocity, etc) they are attached to that would be swell.

I haven’t yet encountered a case where I care what they are named as long as I can find them in the Explorer pane, with the sole exception being the attachments on the default R15 rig which I’ve had to code against to get around some Roblox bugs.


But if you rename your Attachments when you create them instead of after everything is done it makes it a lot easier to know where each is attached.
Next I imagine that you’ll want Roblox to rename all your Models, or Parts, or Folders automatically according to what’s in them.
And for every Constraint you create there will be an Attachment0 and a matching Attachment1 so you should have even numbers of them, not 'Most of mine are named Attachment0".

I often find that I have one part with a lot of attachments connected to singular parts.

A car chassis for example.

Or this.


Task: Set the LinearVelocity attachment to the one you just placed at the center of mass of the Emitter part. Go.


So you want Roblox to automatically name each one to some random number? They use Attachment0 and Attachment1 since those are the names of each Attachment of the Constraint you are creating.
It’s just easier for me to put a name explaining what each Attachment is for.

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You can make a simple plugin that does this for you, if you’d like. Just listen for DescendantAdded on game and rename it to whatever. This will break other user plugins that insert attachments and rely on the name of said attachments, however.