Give me ideas for 3D models

Hello everyone, I am making this post because I would like to ask you if it is not too much trouble to give me some ideas to make 3D models in Roblox Studio, I do this because I want to practice this area, and who knows, maybe when I have more experience I could open commissions


omg my time has come!
Make a model of me on a throne with a cool sword!!! YEAH

Make the M134 Heavy Machine Gun mounted on a turret.

Make a Crown of O’s but alternative universe where it was good.

I know a perfect model to make
A banana

Thank you for your comments, now please just give me a few days to make the models.

Hello again, as promised, here is the first model, as time goes by I will do the rest, the delay is due to the fact that I have been busy with some things.

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