Ribbon bar menu options? You know, these things:
Been making a building utility plugin and it’s crossed my mind a few times how nice it would be to have access to these so I didn’t have to keep track of them myself / prompt the user for information they’ve already set.
[Osyris had the mighty find idea of making it a method of Plugin] (http://devforum.roblox.com/t/accessing-color-and-material-preferences-from-a-plugin/31096/2?u=whobloxedwho), and to elaborate on that idea more I give you…
- Stud Increment - User set move/resize increment
- Rotate Increment - User set rotation increment
- Part Type - User set part spawning preference
- Material - User set material preference
- Color - User set color preference
- Collisions - Dragger collision setting
- Join Type - Joint creating preference
Those are just some of the ones I think would be useful, I’m sure there are loads more (if anyone has some I’ll add it to the list)
An alternative way to accomplish the same thing (and maybe even in more detail) could be to have a method of plugin that gets settings per ribbon bar tab and group.
So lets bring it in folks
What do we want? A way to get more information about studio user set preferences and options in a way that isn’t really convoluted and maybe even a way to set them.
When do we want it? Realistically as soon as possible but hey no rush we can make ends meet until then.