Give us access to Instance.UniqueId

because this API only exposes instances that exist within the original place file, it does not expose instances that exist only in a live server.

is that documented anywhere? i believe you considering roblox’s documentation can be spotty but i would hope that is mentioned because it is a glaring oversight. unique ids are an essential part of restful APIs so it seems odd they’d just just leave it out for dynamically generated live instances when it works for static instances. i understand it can be difficult to sandbox lua but im confused why it’s exposed on the rest api side then if it’s not properly sandboxed.

well as an solution until this feature gets added even if its gonna get added, its a cool idea actually. But i would prefer if they would let to use those things instead of writing that system all by urself.

I think yall are ignoring that the UniqueId for Instances is literally unique in every place ever. (Hence why its so long)

You would be better off using your own UnqiueId system to differentiate parts

Though i agree there needs to be some kinda exposed UniqueId thats only unique to the game that should be exposed to devs

That’s what UniqueId is. It only guarantees that the Id is unique within the current session/datamodel, not that it is unique across the entirety of Roblox.