So, everybody knows the private inventory option, however the other day I thought of an extra option,
So, I remember, while the private inventory was still not a thing, I used to play this Roblox game, (you might probably know it…) called R2D:A (Reason 2 Die Awakening), I liked the game soo much, I even tried my best, a couple years ago, to make an map for it, but thats another story, so anyway, the way new updates for the game were leaked, is by visiting the game makers inventory,
(For an example, the game was a zombie game, and it had a custom gamemode, where you fight against a boss, so because the bosses were most of the time made out of meshes, of course, a dedicated player could just check out the game makers meshes in the inventory, to at least get a sneak peak at the new update, of course, that’s actually one reason why Roblox made the private inventory update, we all know it.)
So yesterday, I thought of something, totally optional, but, I think that it would be a good addition if there would be more control over what parts of the inventory are private and what parts are not, this will help developers the most, If they want to show off their accessories, limiteds or badges or really what ever they want to show off, but at the same time, keep their assets and creations private, untill they release them to the public, or it would at least spark more creativity into general people into customizing their profile and inventory more!
Behold, my super extreme, cool and whatever else, photoshop, and inspect element skills!
Here is what I have in my mind of what the settings page for this should look like…
Here is what should it look like if a developer would enable for people to see their normal inventory, and keep their assets for potential updates, protected from people who are trying to leak the update for the same game.
(The sections that contain developer’s game assets would be faded indicating that the person cannot view that section of the developer’s or person’s inventory.)
Of course, this is my poor inventory, I of course don’t have anything to show off, but imagine this was some popular developer’s inventory with millions of robux in items worth, that are ready to trade.
- Here is what should it look like, if an person tried to access the private section of the inventory, by lets say, changing the link, or doing something else that would lead them to that page. (Since the button should be locked, so people can’t just like regularly click on it.)
I messed up with the colors in this picture, I had already exported the file, and I couldn’t bother to make another picture just to change the colors, anyway it would say something along these lines “You cannot see this section of this player’s inventory.”
Now, keep in mind; This feature should be only a side-feature, and an totally optional feature, this is not something like super needed, and if it would been added that it would change people lifes, this is just an little cool extra feature, that might make people more interested in the settings, and making them more interested in customizing their profile.
This feature could maybe benefit the developers and regular users that want to show off their inventories and also want to trade, but at the same time keep their creations, or custom set things private, this would also maybe make less people with full on private inventory, expanding and making this page, at least a bit more open.
Oopsie moment...
Well, as I was ending this post, I found something, and it looks like there were already an people that had the same idea as me, before, I couldn’t really find their posts (I really hate when this happens), so I didn’t really know that people had already suggested the same thing before, but I really do apologize if anyone has already seen the same suggestion over and over, I am still going to post this suggestion, since it took me some time to come up with this all, here are the links of other suggestions if you want to check them out too;
Only hide personally-made assets from a user's inventory