I was able to redeem The Hunt: Mega Edition’s gold items without purchasing the Gold Track. I mean, thank you Roblox but you can take them away if needed.
Are there any possibilities of you to provide reproduction steps and visual aids to help engineers understand the current issue?
I wasn’t able to reproduce on my end… Every time I interact with the ProximityPrompt and click to “Goldfiy”, it provides me placeholder developer products.
I redeemed the first 2 normal items through the menu that shows you your progress, then I was able to redeem the first 2 gold items through those hexagon display things shown in the picture.
do you mean the droid items?
i think the blanc items got replaced and are for people who did it in 1-2 days
I am pretty sure these are the normal free items. Roblox recently gave free users 2 items for the same track item
This would be the gold track item
Some of the accessories on the normal track that were originally Blanc themed were changed to be more colourful. Those who redeemed the original Blanc items kept them last time I checked.
(I didn’t mean to reply to the other reply btw sorry for that)
EDIT: You get both the blanc item and the new item upon redemption.
TL;DR, I’m stupid, they are not the gold items, really wish Roblox told us that they did this switch.
I confused the Visor of Computable Knowledge with the gold track version, they look the same to me