Giving Back To The Community. Sharing Copies of my Projects

Hey guys, I decided to share some of my old projects with the community.

With that said, don’t expect the best of work and practices from my code, if anything you guys could use it as a learning tool or starting place for building your own projects. Enjoy!

Maze Solver

A lot of unfinished stuff with this project but it should have be relatively well setup last time I checked. One of the main issues you’ll find is that it is set up solely for 2560x1440 resolution monitors as I was lazy at the time. So you may have to play around with it via the emulator in studio but setting up a custom resolution. Also, as I mentioned, a ton of the options are unfinished and may even break the code if selected. In short, I only setup the recursive generating and solving algorithms, the others if selected though, should just default to the recursive DFS versions.
MazeSolver.rbxl (56.9 KB)

Mine Sweeper

Some redundant and lazily written code for this project, but in short I think it is relatively well done and is actually more or less complete. If someone wishes to add some other elements and then publish it go ahead, but please credit if you wish.
Minesweeper.rbxl (58.6 KB)


Another game with lazy code, so don’t try copying my habits, but you could still probably learn something from the 2d algorithms used here (and for the other projects using 2d arrays for that matter). In short a working game, but if you got over 8k it breaks, cuz I never finished it. Also it never checks if you are out of possible move and doesn’t allow for you to restart; however, that could easily be added, if you figure out the system.
2048.rbxl (45.1 KB)


This game honestly doesn’t have much and instead was just a challenge project I lazily started and never finished. The hardest stuff such as hit detection/collisions have not been implemented. However, If you plan on keeping the terrain flat and non destructible it should be very easy to add. Would only really need a square hitbox for the tanks. I really like egomoose’s video on 2D collisions though, if you wish to get more complicated.
Tanks.rbxl (46.9 KB)

UI Animation from Sword Quest

This is a very minor addition to the list, but thought it was cool. Just decided to make a random logo effect and thought people would find it cool. What I’m sharing is the animation itself. I would prefer people not to use the logo and render themselves for their own games. I obviously won’t go after anyone though.
SimpleAnimation.rbxl (34.5 KB)

Build System

Now this project here is an iffy one. In fact, I wouldn’t say I completely own rights to it, but long story short, I was hired to finish a game, but the game fell through and I was never paid. This place contains a decent framework for a rust like build/upgrade system. I will mention that a portion of the build system was started before I came along, however, I added a ton on top of it (and fix alot of bugs) as well as made just about everything else not directly under the build system (upgrading, inventory, etc). NOTE A ton of the code is used as a placeholder, such as the stat system on the client side, just so I could mess around with features. I won’t go trying to explain what is legit and what is not, but some of it will hopefully be obvious. Also, the build system it self, may not be the best optimized as of right now.
Another random note. I think It should be E to build and Q to upgrade but I may be wrong.
Was to big to paste directly… yikes


Safrein is a relatively old and visually dated mmorpg project that I worked on but eventually dropped. For this project I won’t be sharing code as it was honestly quite awful, but decided instead to share the maps/builds/assets. The objects are indeed dated but may prove useful if someone is trying to recreate a particular style.

Safrein Map
SafreinMap.rbxl (3.0 MB)

Dungeon 1
Split into two sections
Dungeon1_Part1.rbxl (604.7 KB)
Dungeon1_Part2.rbxl (924.2 KB)

Dungeon 2
Dungeon2.rbxl (8.2 MB)

Asset Dump

Sword Quest OLD Version

Sword Quest is a more recent project of mine, however, me and my team have reset the assets multiple times to change/upgrade the aesthetic of the game. Below are some of the no longer used items. They may not be the best, but will still stand up to many other modern Roblox games. These assets were created by my good friends @Trocrom and @Signal909; however, both have since went on hiatus.

SQMapOld.rbxl (1.0 MB)
The map itself isn’t that great, but if you wish to look around for assets or inspiration, go ahead.

Asset Dump
As for the assets, you guys can go ahead an grab them.

Terrain Island

Seems like a random thing to add, but I really liked how this terrain map turned out and so I thought I would add this here as well. If someone fills it with assets, I’m sure it would look great.
TerrainIsland.rbxl (8.4 MB)


This was mostly all explained in a reply below, but in short, I’ll be posting my unused music onto this YouTube channel, and it’ll all be available, copyright free.

Here is a .wav file of the first song, if you wish to have a higher quality version as well as an easier download.


These projects are super cool ty


these are really neat! especially the building system, could have some really cool uses!!


Added quite a few more things; however, still got 2 big projects I wish to add at the very least. Gotta look over quite a few things first.


This is really helpful. I wish you luck on your future endeavors.

Might seem like a shameless plug but I decided to add some of my unused music to the list as well.
Made a YouTube channel yesterday where I’ll begin posting the music. Everything there will be copyright free, so use it as you please. However, probably going to upload at a slow pace as I’m dealing with leaving the platform as well as trying to find a legit job while I’m at it…

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Was planning for this topic to be more code related, but here I am posting more assets. Either way, feel free to use them as you please. I’ll add more code based content soon.

Update in short.
Added old Sword Quest assets to the post.

Would it be possible to get a copy of Safrein ?
Althought you said you’re not sharing it due to awful coding, being a learner myself and trying to get into making a RPG game without using those… limited kits it still lacks a lot in my opinion on how to do certain thing

Would appreciate if you do, if not, it’s alright
Thanks for your contributions mate !

You are better off struggling through it then trying to learn from bad code in my opinion. Especially as someone who may be new to coding and may find it difficult to determine what practices were good and what in the code is completely awful. Hence I would rather not share it.

Even if that weren’t the case, I bought assets for the game that I am not allowed to freely give out.


the building system does not work on parts, please fix.

The system is far from finished; however, I don’t plan on working on it anymore. It’s here as a resource to help people figure out how to code, less so an asset to add directly into a game.

Just wow.

what engines are you moving to unity?

Well I ironically got a Roblox related job soon after posting this, so I’m still lurking around for the time being. However, I do love unreal engine and it’s insane capabilities. Also though, I have experience with many aspects of cyber security, so I plan to work with that as well.