Giving Especific Tools to each Rank

Hello! With a friend we have been trying to do a group about roleplaying with police, but we need help about this, Giving a especific tool for a rank, example: a gun and another tool for the Police rank but not for the Recruit rank. And so go on. We have tried looking up for tutorials but they don’t seem go well, like Guns stacking up and not going for only 1 rank. please help! That code is down below

We tried this code

ocal GroupId = 00000 - Already put on the script this is an example.
local Tool = game.Lighting[“Gun”] - Example
local Tool = game.Lighting[“Gun”] - Example

function onPlayerSpawned(Player)
if Player:GetRoleInGroup(GroupId) then
Tool:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack


function onPlayerSpawned(Player)
if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupId)>= 26 then
Tool:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

The code seemed to work, but the tools seems to ignore the ranks stuff and just stack in the backpack.

Do not use lighting for storage. use ServerStorage instead.


Tried doing the same thing, i gave to my group rank aka 26, a “G17” gun, then to a lower rank which is 2, the same tool “G17” gun but i still get it on my inventory both guns?

Hi, I’ll try and write something here and now.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local GrpId = 00000
local PoliceRank = 20
local RecruitRank = 10
local Baton = game.ServerStorage["Baton"]
local Gun = game.ServerStorage["Gun"]

		if Player:GetRankInGroup(GrpId) == PoliceRank then
			Gun:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
			Baton:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
		elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GrpId) == RecruitRank then
			Baton:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

I’d then put this into ServerScriptService


Formatting please:

` `` Before and after the script. Remove the space between them.

Well, if you only want one or the latter, you have to run elseif checks, from the higher to lower ranks.
An example would be:

local Rank = Player:GetRankInGroup(GroudId) 

if Rank >= 100 then
-- Code who runs just for this
elseif Rank >= 50 then
-- Code who runs just for this
elseif Rank >= 25 then
-- Code who runs just for this

I reckon that there is a much more efficient way if you have a lot of possible loadouts, but for 2 or 3 this should be OK.

As previously stated, do not use Lighting for storage. Use a dedicated storage container, like ServerStorage (which will make the tools mostly inaccessible to exploiters).

If I was doing this, I’d probably structure my storage like so:

  • ServerStorage
    • GroupTools<Folder>
      • RankId<Folder>
        • Tool
        • Tool

And in my server script:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local GroupTools = game:GetService("ServerStorage").GroupTools

local GroupId = 1234567890

local function GiveGroupTools(player, groupId)
    local rank = player:GetRankInGroup(groupId)

    -- if they're not in the group, we don't need to do anything else
    if not rank or rank == 0 then

    -- loop through each of the rank folders
    for _, toolFolder in ipairs(GroupTools:GetChildren()) do
        local folderRank = tonumber(toolFolder.Name)

        -- if the player's rank is less than or equal to this folder's targeted rank...
        if folderRank <= rank then
            -- loop through each tool within the folder
            for _, tool in ipairs(toolFolder:GetChildren()) do
                -- copy the tool into the player's backpack
                local toolCopy = tool:Clone()
                toolCopy.Parent = player.Backpack

        -- wait for the player to spawn in, then give them the tools
        GiveGroupTools(player, GroupId)

This way, each rank has a folder which you can store tools, and each higher rank will get its own tools as well as any lower ranks tools.

And if you wanted a certain tool to be exclusive to a rank, you could place a BoolValue (or any instance really) inside the tool, name it “RankExclusive,” and only clone the tool if the player’s rank is equal to that folder’s rank.