Giving Updates on Bug Reports

Greetings, to everybody in the Developer Forum, as I’ve stated in the topic of this thread, should Developer Forum users, give updates on the status of their bugs?

Description for the topic
Like for instance, you’ve reported this bug for quite a while, then a new Roblox update showed up, and stated in the description ‘bug fixes’ though the bug you encountered isn’t removed, it is ok, to give updates on those bugs through using your bug report thread here in the Developer Forum?

In my opinion actually, giving updates on bugs, will help the Roblox Staff Team to keep track of what’s the bug the user is still encountering, though they should give bug updates in a more respectful and descent way, rather than making the update look more like a complaint.
This is just my opinion, and please, I respect others opinions, so what do you think about this?
Should Developer Forum users kept giving updates on the Bugs they reported that are not yet dealt with?

It’s perfectly fine to if you ensure you consider all of the conditions that the OP described in their report. Too frequently do people reply to threads without doing that, so the reply doesn’t really mean much when they say that they “don’t encounter it anymore”. This often leads to the frustrating experience of the OP wasting their own time to see if it still occurs, and then writing a reply saying they still encounter it.

Giving updates is helpful to everyone, including those who aren’t members on the forum. Developers frequently search the forums to see info about bug reports and a response saying “this works as intended for me, are you sure you’re doing _” can be massively useful.

Here are some reasons why I encourage this:

  1. It could help the developer realize something that they forgot to include in their report, Roblox staff would have to ask fewer questions and not have to wait for a developer to reply to them.
  2. Help determine the scope of the issue (i.e. maybe it’s just limited to specific browsers?) Commenting that it doesn’t happen on Browser B is useful info for engineers potentially.
  3. Confirm it’s not a bug. There will be bug reports that aren’t bugs and making that clear to other developers and Roblox is always useful and encouraged, but should only be done under confidence with a clear explanation.