Gizmo City RP | Credits

Hello, there!
Welcome to the Gizmo City RP (beta test) - Roblox credits, here we credit people that are involved in the development of our group based games!

This game is under :
development group

Our amazing dev Team
@teyougin building/owner
@NullUsxr art designer/ amazing person
@Cowboyshark27 Building/testing
@pandatori27 Building
@dogcatfrogbunny scripting/testing
@yyguns Lead QA tester
@Rainbow6717Unicorn QA tester
@babydogehead QA tester
@nvtoys QA tester
@Indestructable1712 QA tester
@papvalero Ideas man.
@cowboy27jj Badge icons/gamepass icons

Other Credits
@ForeverHD HD admin/topbar plus
@TwinPlayzDev Helpful person
@Monstercat music/audio
@Sub2HTR Helpful person
@IamRoBuilder Helpful person
@zetamythical Main menu GUI
@Jumpathy for making better chat V3
@GetFreeModel1 Helpful Person

If you are asking yourself why you can’t click some of the names it’s because they are not on the dev forum sadly :frowning:

we will keep updating this game as time goes on. :slight_smile:
hope to see you in game.

–Winning Smile Games DEV team.

1 Like

okay give me a sec you have been helpful