"Gladiator" project(similar to Chivalry, Mordhau)

Been working on a Gladiator concept off and on for awhile. Unsure if I’m going to finish it(which in its current state is basically a roblox rig version of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare), or create my own exciting spin on the genre in the industry that would help separate it from the likes of Chivalry and Mordhau.

I think I’ll do the latter because I’m interested in converting it into a “rebranded” Star Wars game with force powers and more human-like rigs. This would help keep it a bit more PG too with the blood since decapitations/wounds would instantly cauterize. Animations would be re-done too on human like rigs to make it much easier to animate attacks properly.


here are some cool little combat demonstrations I’d like to show off. I’ve done a lot of research into how the combat system of games like chivalry and mordhau work and chatted with the developers, and got something very close.

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The custom movement replication(positional and rotation) is fast enough in most cases to also be able to bend/duck or also jump over certain attack angles.

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How it works on a basic sense is we ensure every player is as synced as possible to another. Hit detection and parries are done on the client, which keeps everything smooth and responsive. In order for an attack to actually go through and deal damage though, both sides must validate the attack. This only results in short delays that aren’t noticeable unless two players have atrocious ping.

(Basically Client A winds up to swing, Client A hits, sends to server to validate, server validates or waits for Client B to validate, server validates)

Hit detection is real time with tracers that span along the length of the blade. Some tracers can be attack tracers, and some can just exist for parry volumes to be able to register.

Coincidentally, this is similar to this and was released around the same time(but I have nothing to do with that and don’t use it myself)



What happened to the cool Western looking game?

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Still working actively on it, but working on something for a year and a half full time gets a bit draining so I like to work on little side projects for fun too


It might be something on my end… but the videos aren’t loading for me / I can’t play the videos?


I don’t think blood is allowed in roblox games. And it looks realistic. But, nice work!

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That’s weird, here are some direct links



The gore is disabled by default and won’t give you the option to enable it if your account is not 13+

Ok, but then I swear I saw a thread that said that people can lie about their age. Or, some people are 13 and above, but their siblings are watching them. But, good luck!


Then that’s their fault / their parent’s fault. Not the developers fault…

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Does this use any IK for the swinging (directly where mouse is), or are the animations pre-recorded?

A little off topic but this post reminded me to by Mordau. The game is so fun, I got like 10 hours in the first two days of owning it. I would love to see you release this.

Pre recorded with a small procedural transform layer to rotate things to be more where the mouse is

if there was an exploiter couldnt he just deny each swing every other client makes?

Just mixed it with server script bro