Glass Bridge - Squid Game Test

Hey guys, yesterday I have completed a game that I will later make a thumbnail on today and I would like to see what kind of feedback I will be receiving if this game does get any visits.

Some things that this game will feature:

  • Rng obstacle generator
  • Random Death sounds
  • Win/point system earn (100 for winning / 10 for being in the game when someone wins)
  • Level system (This will be displayed in a later update)

Here are some things I would like to hear:

  • What kind of features does the game need that it does not have?
  • Did you enjoy the game?
  • Should I change the title of the game due to its overused title? (What should it be)
  • Should I adjust the timer/length of the obby?
  • How is the volume level?
  • Is this the kind of game you might be telling your friends to try out?

I will be staying in the game momentarily for a few minutes after this post is posted. If you have any other suggestions feel free to also let me know as well in the comments. Thank you!

~ Dragonfable6000


The game looks beautiful:


Add a slightly longer delay when you fall down and die, your clone spawns in a second too early, but sometimes not. – Unfortunately I have no image proof of this behaviour but it is reproducable, just go in game and die, continue until desired effect, or maybe its just my Computer delaying
I feel like there should be an intermission or some sort of time for the player to join. Some devices take a few minutes to join a game!
If you can, add music for more atmosphere.

Image of a quick meet-up

Make the jumps between each platform shorter!
I feel like the respawn time should be a bit quicker although the longer it is the more tension is created because you do not want to die and wait all throughout that!
if you do not know how just click Players in workspace and then go Properties and change the Respawn Time to your liking.
Also add some particles within the glass part to add a cool glass shatter effect.
If you don’t know how here is some code. Insert it inside the weaker/fake glass part.

local Part = script.Parent.Parent -- script. (ParticleEmitter) (Part)
local ParticleEmitter = script.Parent
local EmittionAmount = 150
local Debounce = true
    if not Debounce then return end
    if not Hit then return end
    if not Hit.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then return end
    Debounce = false
    Debounce = true

You may need to customise the Particles though.
Hopefully this helped, it was fun meeting you and it was fun while it lasted, but me must continue this long, squid life as ye ol’ sailor, see ya out in tha ocean soilder! :pirate_flag: :dagger:
Yours Sincerely, @oscoolerreborn
Bye :wave::slightly_smiling_face:

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I will definitely add shattering particles to consideration further down the development and your other suggestions. Thank you for your visit and feedback!

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I am going to play it.
I like squid game.

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yes, I like the fifth game, Glass Bridge

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