Glazify Cafe Handbook

The official handbook of Glazify Cafe
This document includes the necessary attachments to work a successful carrer at Glazify


Do not admin abuse: (The following commands may be considered admin abuse)

•respawn (when not used on yourself)
•res (when not used on yourself)
•ref (when not used on yourself)
•m/sm (when used for no reason)
•slock (when not at a training)
•ban/pban (for unnecessary reasons)
•kick (for unnecessary reasons)


• Shifts are randomly hosted by an HR+
• Shifts are hosted 2 hours apart
• promotions might be given to hard working staff


Hosting Details:
• Host must be a EI+
• Co-Host must be a COO+
• Trainer’s must be an MR+
• The max rank you can recieve at a training is Kitchen Leader
• Trainings must be approved by a CA+
• Trainings must be logged on our Trello
• Everyone helping must use the guide: GlazifyTraining Guide


Frappuccino: Milk - Frappucino Blend - Flavor
Slushie: Slushie Cup - Flavor
Icecream: Icecream Cone - Flavor
Milkshakes: Milkshake Glass - Milk - Flavor - Ice - Blend
Coffees: Coffee Cup - Flavor
Muffins: Muffin Dough - Oven - Cook - Choose Flavor
Others: Click to obtain
(More soon)


•!handto (player)

Promotions: Promotions are given out from trainings and time played.
• 250 Time = Junior Barista
• 500 Time = Cashier
• 1000 Time = Kitchen Leader


• Employees receive 15 points every 10 minutes working in game, owning the 2x points multiplier will double that amount giving you 30 points every 10 minutes.
• Points are used to rank up in the near future.

Group Links:

Roblox: Glazify Cafe - Roblox

This is semi-outdated and will be updated on 6/20

Founded by R1MRO, (EST. Jan. 2023)

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