Glazio - Public Handbook

Glazio - Public Handbook

Glazio Group

Glazio - About
“Redefining the skyline, one delectable donut at a time.”

Glazio is an upcoming group in the working industry that was established on January 17th, 2024. We can’t wait to provide our guests with the best experience we possibly can. Below you’ll find all the information in our public handbook.

Last Update - 02/17/24 - Updates To Come.

Alliance Guide

If you wish to form an alliance with Glazio, you must reach our requirements/expectations listed below. If you fail to reach all the expectations listed it’ll result in an automatic decline, there will be no exceptions.

  • Your group must obtain 100+ non-botted members.
  • The group must be willing to announce any big events Glazio is hosting.
  • Must be professional and maintain a good reputation.
  • No record of scamming, free ranking, or selling ranks with administrative powers.
  • There must be activity & growth shown within your group.
  • Group must be original, with no stolen assets or such.
  • The group may not be a military group or anything out of the industry.
  • Must provide 2-3 representatives.
Code of Conduct

All clothing worn in Glazio games must be appropriate, if this rule is broken you will be asked to put something appropriate on, not doing so can result in a server ban.

Trolling inside the Glazio community is prohibited. Committing any type of trolling and you’ll be kicked from the server immediately after getting a warning.

Exploiting and spamming inside of the Glazio community is prohibited. Doing so will result in an automatic ban. You’ll have to appeal to a member of the staffing department.

Breaking any rules after getting a warning, you’ll automatically be kicked from the game. If you join back and continue to do so after being kicked, you’ll receive a server ban.

Ban Appeals

Here at Glazio, we aim to keep our community as safe as possible. If we see anyone breaking any rules, our staff team will immediately take action. This can result in termination, an in-game ban, and a
communications-server ban. While this is the case, we do give second chances to anyone who shows themselves as worthy. Here are the requirements.

  • You must wait up to 48 hours before appealing.
  • Please give us up to 72 hours to review your request.
  • Trolling in your appeal will result in you losing your chance to apply again.
  • Glazio may decline your appeal for any given reason.
  • Appeals should show effort to show you’ve improved from your mistakes.

Please send an appeal to a member of the staffing department with the following questions.

  • Where were you banned at Glazio?
  • Why were you banned at Glazio? Include the date if possible.
  • Why would you like to be unbanned from Glazio?
  • Do you believe you’ll improve your behavior? If so, how and why?
Rank Information


Noted Customer


------ LR Ranks ------


Baking Apprentice


Experienced Baker

Senior Baker

Head Baker

Lead Baker

------ MR Ranks ------


Junior Supervisor


Head Supervisor

------ HR Ranks ------

Assistant Manager


General Management

Board of Executives

------ SHR Ranks ------

Relations Director

Operations Director

Executive Director

------ HC Ranks ------

Vice President


Development Team

Glazio API

Ownership Team


[-] Holder - Group holder.

Low Ranks

Glazio seeks staff members who utilize professionalism, maturity, and proper grammar and punctuation.

To be a part of the staff team, you must apply at the application center that is located on the group games tab. If you successfully pass, you will be ranked as a trainee. You are then required to attend only one training session to pass to obtain the role of baking apprentice. Training times can be found in the Handbook.


  • All staff must use grammar on our premises.
  • All staff must be professional at all times.
  • All staff must abide by the Roblox Community Rules .
  • All staff must not hint for promotion in any situation.
  • All staff must be respectful to everyone in any situation.
  • All staff must use common sense.

If staff members break the rules, they will be punished accordingly depending on the situation. Consequences could be a warning, termination, or blacklist. There will be 3 warnings before termination for minor misbehavior. Immediate termination and blacklisting could be given for major violations.

Staff are required to show professionalism. Grammar is required in all games. Drama will not be tolerated within our premises. This is to keep a safe and professional environment. All staff are required to wear uniforms at our bakery. Staff members who do not own the uniform will be able to equip it in-game. Violating these standards will result in a consequence.

Promotion Guide

Once you’ve passed an application for “Trainee”, you’ll then have to attend a training to get the rank “Baking Apprentice”. Once you’ve passed the training you’ll be able to work behind the counter here at Glazio. This will give you the ability to earn points and for each LR rank, you’ll need a certain amount of points to obtain. Once you’ve reached the rank of “Training Facilitator” you’ll have to remain active and mature to get noticed by an MR+. They’ll have the opportunity to recommend you to join the executive team and if they do, you’ll be looked over by a member of the Corporate Department. From that point on you’ll receive promotions based on activity and maturity. These can come at random and there will also be award ceremonies at the auditorium.

Training Sessions

Not yet disclosed.

Other Links

Training Center

Thank you for reading the Glazio Bakery handbook. If you’ve any further questions, feel free to ask a member of our High-Rank team.

Glazio Ownership Department.