Glitch with RemoteFunctions?

Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling well! Recently I have come across this issue. Coroutines are glitching the remote function, test it yourself. I don’t have access to report a bug sadly. Basically, if you call the Glitch function like this in client, the RemoteFunction will glitch:

local RemoteFunction = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction

local Threads = {}
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
	for i, v in next, Threads do
		Threads[i] = nil

local function Glitch()
	local Thread = coroutine.running()
	Threads[Thread] = true
	return coroutine.yield()

RemoteFunction.OnClientInvoke = function()
	print("I have finished, but the server is sleeping still!")

Is this a real glitch? The server hangs forever for some reason.

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This seems to be on the client. The client can not return anything to the server(take a look at the RemoteFunction examples). Please also keep in mind that you are also running coroutine.yield(you seem to be resuming it, but I don’t have much knowledge on coroutine). I am also confused about what the exact glitch seems to be.

RemoteFunction exmaples

Client to Server Example:

  1. Client(s) fire RemoteFunction
  2. Server receives the request
  3. Server returns data

Server to Client Example:

  1. Server fires RemoteFunction
  2. Client Receives RemoteFunction
  3. The client cannot/will not return anything (Your best using RemoteEvents as its safer)

The client can return stuff to the server if you use the InvokeClient method. The thing is I have a custom wait which uses coroutines. The client returns but the server stills waits for no reason even though the client finished.

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Good eye my dude. You are correct. This issue is brought up several times in bug reports, and as of 24 days ago a staff member has added it to their to-do list. It might be a little hard to trace and with not much incentive, but hopefully they can get something done.

I really am impressed though, you did a really thorough job of pinpointing the exact issue. You’ve definitely got a future in programming should you choose.