So like I got this glitch text loader which works good but when I try to reverse it, it gives me this strange result which is partially correct and near what I want.
Here’s the main function handling the text’s glitching
StylesFunction['Linear'] = function(self)
local FullString = self.FullString
local index = 1
local NormalString, HashedString = '',''
for _ in do
local ExpectedIndex = index + 1
while index ~= ExpectedIndex do
NormalString = FullString:sub(self.Reversed and #FullString-index or 1, index)
HashedString = createHash(#FullString-index)
self.TextDisplay.Text = self.Reversed and HashedString .. NormalString or NormalString .. HashedString
print(HashedString, NormalString)
index += self.Params.IndexLoop and math.round(math.random()-0.1) or 1
You can see it’s giving me few times randomly the encoded string and there are no sign of the actual string in there.
Here’s a gif of what it’s doing
If I was too vage, send me questions I’ll be here to respond.