Glitched UGC Thumbnails

Reproduction Steps

The glitched thumbnails can be seen by viewing the items in the Avatar Shop or anywhere on the platform.

Expected Behavior

I expect to be able to control how items are framed in the thumbnails.

Actual Behavior

The thumbnail for the Ramen Bowl shows a chunk of the model missing. The thumbnail for the Breakfast Waffle is zoomed in way too close.



Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Very Rarely
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-18 00:10:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-27 00:10:00 (-07:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report

Glitched Avatar Shop Thumbnail:

1_Glitched Thumbnail on Roblox

Original Roblox Studio Thumbnail:

Glitched Avatar Shop Thumbnail:

3_Glitched Thumbnail in Roblox

Original Roblox Studio Thumbnail:


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


FWIW the issue with the ramen asset looks like near plane clipping with the thumbnail camera. Perhaps the server taking the thumbnail images is getting offset forwards, or the asset is being spawned offset towards the camera, hence the zoomed in waffle. I compared the two waffles in image editing software and the perspective is the same, so the issue does not seem to be a field of view mismatch. Strange though because the ramen seems to have the same margins despite the clipping issue.

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I have fixed the clipping issue with the Ramen Bowl thumbnail.