Glitchy movement on Server/Other Players view

Why is this vehicle glitching when viewed from the server or other players perspective? Looking for any ideas you may have. I suspect it’s something to do with the spring constraints but not really sure.

I have a vehicle which is spawned by the server for a player and network ownership is set to that player by the server (“Network Owner” frame in video). As you can see in the video the vehicle drives smoothly, no glitching on the network owners screen. However from the perspective of the “Other Players” and “Server View” the vehicle is glitching.

Any ideas why the vehicle is getting messed up on the other players views? I’m just using setting ownership and driving the vehicle. Roblox is taking care of the rest, so I have no idea why it’s getting messed up.

The video is normal speed, then has a slow motion section at the end to better see the glitching.

This can be a broad range of issues depending on what technique you’re using for the Chasis of the Vehicle system

I have some questions to see if we could narrow down the problem

  • Is the model of the vehicle massless?
  • Is your Chasis using raycasts? If so, are the raycasts handled on server or client?
  • What exactly are you seting the network owner on? Are you setting it to the PrimaryPart of the model?

Is the model of the vehicle massless?

The visual 3d model you see as the vehicle is massless.
It is welded to an invisible part which has mass.

Is your Chasis using raycasts? If so, are the raycasts handled on server or client?

No raycasting

What exactly are you seting the network owner on? Are you setting it to the PrimaryPart of the model?

Yes, setting network ownership on the primary part of the model.
I even tried setting network ownership on every BasePart of the model as well, same result.

Hmmm, that question about the model massless made me think of trying something.
Potentially this may be solved!

The Roblox Physics engine has issues with massless objects when the server is not in control of them

The server and client starts a conflict on the general trajectory of the massless object, so incorporating mass into the object and your scripts will probably fix it

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Thank you, I think this might be my problem. Will mark as a solution once I know it’s working.

No problem, Ive experienced that you only need to set the mass of the PrimaryPart but I have never really tested the difference of setting all parts to have mass

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Yep, so mass on the primaryPart is the answer. Others can be massless, or whatever depending on what you are trying to achieve.

Thanks again!

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