Hello, very simple subject, but when i try to change my global datasore to be new, everything when you load in the game is like messed up, but it works fine with a regular datasotr
Can you please elaborate? How are you resetting your Datastores? RemoveAsync,RemoveDatstoreAsync?
I was just changing the datastore name
Maybe providing the script will help
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Gamedata2 = datastore:GetDataStore("PlrStats9")
local BaseStats = {
Health = 300;
Chakra = 10;
Stamina = 10;
Mode = 10;
Defence = 0;
Strenth = 0;
Experience = 0;
ExperienceNeed = 0;
Level = 1;
MaxLevel = 100,
function saveData(Player,plrStats)
local DataToSave = {}
print("Saving Data...")
for i, data in pairs(plrStats:GetChildren()) do
DataToSave[i] = data.Value
print("Spiritual Data Saved.")
local plrStats = Instance.new("Folder",Player)
plrStats.Name = "PlrStats"
local Health = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Health.Name = "Health"
Health.Value = BaseStats.Health
local Stamina = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Stamina.Name = "Stamina"
Stamina.Value = BaseStats.Stamina
local MaxStamina = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxStamina.Name = "MaxStamina"
MaxStamina.Value = BaseStats.Stamina
local Chakra = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Chakra.Name = "Chakra"
Chakra.Value = BaseStats.Chakra
local MaxChakra = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxChakra.Name = "MaxChakra"
MaxChakra.Value = BaseStats.Chakra
local Mode = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Mode.Name = "Mode"
Mode.Value = BaseStats.Mode
local MaxMode = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxMode.Name = "MaxMode"
MaxMode.Value = BaseStats.Mode
local Blood = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Blood.Name = "Blood"
Blood.Value = 100
local MaxBlood = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxBlood.Name = "MaxBlood"
MaxBlood.Value = 100
local Hunger = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Hunger.Name = "Hunger"
Hunger.Value = 100
local MaxHunger = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxHunger.Name = "MaxHunger"
MaxHunger.Value = 100
local Thirst = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Thirst.Name = "Thirst"
Thirst.Value = 100
local MaxThirst = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
MaxThirst.Name = "MaxThirst"
MaxThirst.Value = 100
local Defence = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Defence.Name = "Defence"
Defence.Value = BaseStats.Defence
local Strenth = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Strenth.Name = "Strenth"
Strenth.Value = BaseStats.Strenth
local Experience = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Experience.Name = "Experience"
Experience.Value = BaseStats.Experience
local Element1 = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Element1.Name = "Element1"
Element1.Value = "Fire #1"
local Trait = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Trait.Name = "Trait"
Trait.Value = ""
local Shirt = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Shirt.Name = "Shirt"
Shirt.Value = "Shirt1"
local Pants = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Pants.Name = "Pants"
Pants.Value = "Pants1"
local Hair = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Hair.Name = "Hair"
Hair.Value = "InoHair"
local BodyColor1 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
BodyColor1.Name = "BodyColor1"
BodyColor1.Value = 235
local BodyColor2 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
BodyColor2.Name = "BodyColor2"
BodyColor2.Value = 175
local BodyColor3 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
BodyColor3.Name = "BodyColor3"
BodyColor3.Value = 133
local HairColor1 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
HairColor1.Name = "HairColor1"
HairColor1.Value = 235
local HairColor2 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
HairColor2.Name = "HairColor2"
HairColor2.Value = 175
local HairColor3 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
HairColor3.Name = "HairColor3"
HairColor3.Value = 133
local TwoHairColor1 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
TwoHairColor1.Name = "TwoHairColor1"
TwoHairColor1.Value = 235
local TwoHairColor2 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
TwoHairColor2.Name = "TwoHairColor2"
TwoHairColor2.Value = 175
local TwoHairColor3 = Instance.new("NumberValue", plrStats)
TwoHairColor3.Name = "TwoHairColor3"
TwoHairColor3.Value = 133
local Hair2 = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
Hair2.Name = "Hair2"
Hair2.Value = "InoHair"
local HeadBand = Instance.new("StringValue", plrStats)
HeadBand.Name = "HeadBand"
HeadBand.Value = "StraitHeadBand"
local TuckedIn = Instance.new("BoolValue", plrStats)
TuckedIn.Name = "TuckedIn"
TuckedIn.Value = true
local ExperienceNeed = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
ExperienceNeed.Name = "ExperienceNeed"
ExperienceNeed.Value = BaseStats.ExperienceNeed
local Level = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Level.Name = "Level"
Level.Value = BaseStats.Level
local Cash = Instance.new("NumberValue",plrStats)
Cash.Name = "Cash"
Cash.Value = BaseStats.Cash
local NormalSlot1 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot1.Name = "NormalSlot1"
NormalSlot1.Value = "Y"
local NormalSlot2 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot2.Name = "NormalSlot2"
NormalSlot2.Value = "U"
local NormalSlot3 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot3.Name = "NormalSlot3"
NormalSlot3.Value = "G"
local NormalSlot4 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot4.Name = "NormalSlot4"
NormalSlot4.Value = "H"
local NormalSlot5 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot5.Name = "NormalSlot5"
NormalSlot5.Value = "J"
local NormalSlot6 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
NormalSlot6.Name = "NormalSlot6"
NormalSlot6.Value = "V"
local SpecialSlot1 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialSlot1.Name = "SpecialSlot1"
SpecialSlot1.Value = "C"
local SpecialSlot2 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialSlot2.Name = "SpecialSlot2"
SpecialSlot2.Value = "Z"
local WeaponSlot = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
WeaponSlot.Name = "WeaponSlot"
WeaponSlot.Value = "1"
local ThrowableSlot = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
ThrowableSlot.Name = "ThrowableSlot"
ThrowableSlot.Value = "2"
local ExtraSlot1 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
ExtraSlot1.Name = "ExtraSlot1"
ExtraSlot1.Value = "3"
local ExtraSlot2 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
ExtraSlot2.Name = "ExtraSlot2"
ExtraSlot2.Value = "4"
local SpecialAbility1 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility1.Name = "SpecialAbility1"
SpecialAbility1.Value = "Y"
local SpecialAbility2 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility2.Name = "SpecialAbility2"
SpecialAbility2.Value = "U"
local SpecialAbility3 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility3.Name = "SpecialAbility3"
SpecialAbility3.Value = "G"
local SpecialAbility4 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility4.Name = "SpecialAbility4"
SpecialAbility4.Value = "H"
local SpecialAbility5 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility5.Name = "SpecialAbility5"
SpecialAbility5.Value = "J"
local SpecialAbility6 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility6.Name = "SpecialAbility6"
SpecialAbility6.Value = "V"
local SpecialAbility7 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility7.Name = "SpecialAbility7"
SpecialAbility7.Value = "1"
local SpecialAbility8 = Instance.new("StringValue",plrStats)
SpecialAbility8.Name = "SpecialAbility8"
SpecialAbility8.Value = "2"
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
Humanoid.MaxHealth = Health.Value
Humanoid.Health = Health.Value
local plrsaves
pcall (function()
plrsaves = Gamedata2:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
if plrsaves then
--If player has data
warn("Player has Stat Data!")
for i, data in pairs(plrStats:GetChildren()) do
data.Value = plrsaves[i]
print (data.Name,":",data.Value)
--if player doenst have data
warn("Player has no Stat Data.")
for i, data in pairs(plrStats:GetChildren()) do
print (data.Name,":",data.Value)
while wait() do
local extraLevel = Level.Value
local xpNeed = ((extraLevel * 2)-1) * 100
ExperienceNeed.Value = xpNeed
if Level.Value < BaseStats.MaxLevel then
if Experience.Value >= ExperienceNeed.Value then
Level.Value = Level.Value + 1
Experience.Value = Experience.Value - ExperienceNeed.Value
local PlrStats = Player:WaitForChild("PlrStats")
So with that script everything works, cause you said when using a normal Datastore works fine, and the code with the GlobalDatastore? :GetGlobalDataStore()?
If its working fine with the normal Datastore why you wanna change it to a Global one?
Because i need it to be globally between places
Between games or places?
Normal Datastore is shared within the places of a game, and the Global one across games
If that script you are showing works normally when saving into normal one, it doesnt work if you add the global one too?
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Gamedata2 = datastore:GetDataStore("PlrStats9")
local GlobalData = datastore:GetGlobalDataStore("PlrStats") -- THE GLOBAL ONE
local BaseStats = {
Health = 300;
Chakra = 10;
Stamina = 10;
Mode = 10;
Defence = 0;
Strenth = 0;
Experience = 0;
ExperienceNeed = 0;
Level = 1;
MaxLevel = 100,
function saveData(Player,plrStats)
local DataToSave = {}
print("Saving Data...")
for i, data in pairs(plrStats:GetChildren()) do
DataToSave[i] = data.Value
GlobalData:SetAsync(Player.UserId,DataToSave) -- SAVE IT TO GLOBAL TOO
print("Spiritual Data Saved.")
When joining for the first time, all of the values get messed up and stuff
But this seemed to have works, so thanks
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