Global leaderboard not updating

I tried to implementing my own leaderboard and it does not seem to update correctly. Let me explain, the player’s points only updates when the server is born, (new server is created). That means to update the global leaderboard, I have to shutdown all the servers for it to update. This is very impratical. I was wondering how to update it in game. Here is my serverscript:

--game services
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

--retrieving global ordered data store
local PointsDataStore = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("PointsDataStore")
local data = {}

--serverside connection for pressing the "export to points" gui button
	local nutrients = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.Nutrients.Value
	local kills = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.Kills.Value
	--adds nutrients earned from current session to data store
	local val = nutrients + kills
	local value = PointsDataStore:IncrementAsync(player.UserId, val)
	game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.Nutrients.Value = 0
	game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.Kills.Value = 0
	game.Players[player.Name].PlayerGui.Sidebar.Frame.points.Text = value

ReplicatedStorage.AddPlayerPoints.Event:Connect(function(playerId, amount)
	PointsDataStore:IncrementAsync(playerId, amount)

ReplicatedStorage.SubtractPlayerPointsCallback.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, price)
	local playerPoints = tonumber(PointsDataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)) 
	local balance = playerPoints - price 
	if playerPoints >= price then
		PointsDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, balance)

--when player joins, display stored points
	local DataStorePages = PointsDataStore:GetSortedAsync(false, 12, 1, 10e30)
	local top = DataStorePages:GetCurrentPage()
	wait(3) --prevents remote event data leaking 
	for _, v in ipairs(top) do
        local points = v.value
        local username = Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(v.key)
        table.insert(data, {username, points})
	while wait(0.5) do
		local value = PointsDataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
		game.Players:WaitForChild(player.Name).PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Sidebar").Frame.points.Text = tostring(value)

Don’t get me wrong, the points display properly, just that it never updates until a new server is created. Here is my client side code:

	for index, str in pairs(numArray) do
		if array[index] == nil then
			script.Parent.Leaderboard.Frame.ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChild(str).Text = "No one"
			script.Parent.Leaderboard.Frame.ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChild(str).Text = array[index][1]
		if array[index] == nil then
			script.Parent.Leaderboard.Frame.ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChild("E" .. str).Text = "0"
			script.Parent.Leaderboard.Frame.ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChild("E" .. str).Text = array[index][2]

Much help is greatly appreciated. This is the only thing that is preventing me from finishing this global leaderboard. If it is possible, I want the leaderboard to update every minute.

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try putting


inside the while loop.

All this does is print the same data over and over again. The data never updates. I am not sure how to update the pages data.

Clear all the gui elements that display the old data then get the top 100 or however many results from the datastore and add new elements using the new (updated) data

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I don’t want to come out as begging for code, but may i inquire on how to accomplish this?

It does not have anything to do with the client and I think this is the serverside script thats messing up:

local DataStorePages = PointsDataStore:GetSortedAsync(false, 12, 1, 10e30)
local top = DataStorePages:GetCurrentPage()

The Problem is, even if I put these two lines of code in the while loop, it still fails to update.

QuickLeaderboard.rbxl (25.3 KB)