If it is needed, my template looks like this:
local template = {
["Wins"] = 0,
["Coins"] = 0
I want the leaderboard to track wins, I have no issue with the actual leaderboard, just the data retrieving part.
If it is needed, my template looks like this:
local template = {
["Wins"] = 0,
["Coins"] = 0
I want the leaderboard to track wins, I have no issue with the actual leaderboard, just the data retrieving part.
local DataStoreModule = require(11671168253)
local winsOrderedDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetOrderedDataStore("Wins")
local coinsOrderedDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetOrderedDataStore("Coins")
local function Saving(value, dataStore)
winsOrderedDataStore:SetAsync(dataStore.Key, value.Wins)
coinsOrderedDataStore:SetAsync(dataStore.Key, value.Coins)
local dataStore = DataStoreModule.new("Player", player.UserId)
thats how you save there value into the ordered datastore then you simply get the order from there like you would normaly do it
you can find examples here OrderedDataStore | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
local winsOrderedDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetOrderedDataStore("Wins")
local function PrintTopTenWinsPlayers()
local isAscending = false
local pageSize = 10
local pages = winsOrderedDataStore:GetSortedAsync(isAscending, pageSize)
local topTen = pages:GetCurrentPage()
for rank, data in topTen do
local key = data.key
local wins = data.value
print(key, "is ranked #", rank, "with", wins, "wins")
but you should never use the orderedDataStore datastore as the source of truth its only for display purposes always use dataStore.Value.Wins
as the source of truth
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