Global Matchmaking!

For the past few days, I have been working on Global Matchmaking using HttpService

This includes features like Skill Based Matchmaking, and Global chat!

Here is a video of it:


That looks clean, I’ve seen people talking about using memoryservice, but I’ve never seen someone use HTTPService, good job, I think it’s really well made.


I agree with @XX_XXFRIED, looks clean indeed! But, as I watch the whole video, it seems in the right side that the robot is floating.


Dude this is epic, how long did it take?

Thank you! This took many hours to do!


I took about 4 days to make this

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may I ask how long you worked on it each day if you don’t mind.

The robot is my alt account, Its a small bug with the physics on the rigs

For the first 2 days, I was working on the global chat

Then on the next day, I was working on the matchmaking

On the last day, I worked on the teleporting and brought the project to Heroku

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Is that a service or something I’m not aware of?

Its a service(not on roblox) to host node js servers and other stuff

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Wow, that’s a lot of work. It must have been tough to figure out

Awesome job. Never seen anybody use HTTPService for this. It’s nice to see that you figured out Heroku.

Looks amazing! Would you consider ever open sourcing this it would be useful to a great amount of people.

I don’t plan for this to be open source; I just it as a resource for future projects that needed matchmaking

(you don’t have to use heroku, use messaging service or memory store)

I know, I would prefer httpservice because you can send 500 request per minute and its reliable

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Just a heads up, memory store service can send 1000 requests per minute, and it uses roblox’s servers rather than your own. Just something to think about :man_shrugging:

With HTTP Service you can do things like parties with your friends across servers and other stuff
I don’t really like memory store service

Maybe you should look into Memory store service a little more, because that sounds like something that is perfectly possible to do using MemoryStoreService, or even messaging service

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