Global Rails: Revolution - Version 2.0.5 Previews

This is a post that contains all previews for our final update, which has been released.

John Bull - Brand new, part of the Historical Steam Collection!

W&A #3 - Brand new, part of the Historical Steam Collection!

CR #4111 - Remastered and free to use!

CN #5657 + SLSF #3749 - Remastered and free to use!

BMLP #6004 - Brand new and free to use!

Nor.​De.M #751 - Brand new, part of the Historical Steam Collection!

W&A #12 - Brand new, part of the Historical Steam Collection!

SFR #14270, ERR #1, VIA #6135 - Some new, some old, all free to use! Also featured in this image is the revamped grain silo that appears near the distribution center.

NDeM #6401 - Brand new and free to use!

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