Global Server List

How would you do a global server list? I’m planning to have a lobby system for my game.

Wasn’t there a roadmap staying that server list support was going to be added? Should I wait for this or make my own?

Might want to wait until MessagingService is ready.


This is already planned

However, it was Postponed and progress about that is currently unknown, you’ll probably have to wait months ++ for the official release.


Universe scripts were scrapped in favor of MessagingService. However, it shouldn’t take months as the feature is very close to be released. An announcement might be released within the next few weeks, as the flag in Studio has been enabled and there is already a wiki page on it (it currently doesn’t work as the web-side of it doesn’t seem to be done).


I have more of a question on recording servers, actually.

Would I use ordered data store to display a list of active servers in a lobby place?

And how would I detect if that server is dead or not?

That really wouldn’t be the best way to do it, Using an external proxy however is far more reliable.

Wait, it says there that these universe scripts are going to support leader boards.

I see leader boards in games all the time. How are they doing this then?

What extra benefit would these universe scripts bring then? I don’t understand.

By leaderboards, do you mean gathering player data via DataStores and displaying them in order? If so, you can do this by utilizing OrderedDataStores. You’d use the GetSortedAsync function.

If you need further explanation, let me know :slight_smile:

I don’t understand. What would MessagingService allow me to do regarding server lists / lobby system that I can’t already do?

MessagingService will allow you to sync things in real time, something very expensive with data stores.

So if I’m interpreting this correctly, there would be only one script running (managing the server list data store) that communicates to all servers of the lobby?

For now the easiest is probably to set up your own web server to handle it. But you can do it with datastores, it’s just complicated and costly. At least until the new system launches.


This is what I’m looking for thanks.