Read this post for abit more info:
You did a mistake in the conclusion part
It’s just a showcase video which is already provided by the showcase part
though I may or may not try it out in the future but it looks good
thanks! also, i clicked the upload button by mistake lol, i’m fixing it right now though.
Looks good, but what exactly is the base purpose of this? What makes this better than the plain asset manager or local files?
I’m not sure if I would say it’s better than those options, but I guess the main purpose would be to save assets to it without it being temporary with local files or having to upload it to asset manager and risk a ban.
Hope I was able to answer your question.
Ah okay. I’d say in a multitude of cases this would be practical and useful now that I understand better. I’ll try it out sometime. Good work
Thanks! glad i could help you understand it better.
For anyone wondering if the plugin is safe, check out the source code of the plugin at the ”Conclusion” section.
Why Hello Everyone! I Have Some Very Exciting News For Asset Storage, It’s Been COMPLETELY Remade, And Is Now Called, Global Storage, Its Release Is Very Close, I Just Need To Work Out Some Things Beforehand, I Was Debating On If I Should Keep It Free, But I’m Currently Not Sure, You Can Vote Below.
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Can You Stop Writing Like This?
hey uh, may I ask wdym? (nothingtoseeherelol)