I’m currently working on a quest system that is supposed to generate new quests every day. With that being said, the quests are supposed to generate globally, meaning everyone will receive the same quests in every server. How would I go about generating quests globally?
(P.S. The timer and quest system is already made, I just need to have it generate globally)
you can use datastores, and then set a main server that will handle the quest that will be sent to all servers ( or you could just pick a random one every day since the quest only regenerates every day )
edit: oh and yes. like @Octonions said, you can also use externals servers
You could use an external server and HTTP service to fetch the daily quests. You would have to have a list with options for the quests in your external server code.
An alternative would be to take a look at Memory Store. I am pretty sure you can come up with the algorithm to generate quests randomly. You will be using os.time() to set the timers as well.