Gloost - Update Log

Gloost is a showcase game that I made a year ago. But the game got closed for some reason. Now It’s back! The concept of Gloost is a beautiful abandoned island with many questions, Although it looks beautiful. The island may hold untold secrets.

Update Log V1.2.0 - Quality of Life

⋄ What’s new?

The update is technically for the better so it’s not have big changes.
:house: The house outside the island has been changed to have a more realistic look when it’s on the abandoned island. This Picture Below Is before the changes.

And This is The after.

:milky_way: LIGHTINGG, The lighting has been changed to be more realistic and appealing to the environment.
The image below shows The Lighting difference and also this is Before.

And This is After, More Bright and More appealing with the environment surrounding it.

:national_park: Added more Island to make it more alive and it surrounding the main island!
:wave: Badges! Welcome badges! And more, You can get it by exploring the game. It’s pretty easy!
:flashlight: Added a little detail on some models + Added interact stuff. Mainly about the background of some pics or some fact behind the game!
And That’s it! That’s the whole update. Like I said, it’s for the better so it’s not really a big update, I hope you like the game and this update! Thank you for reading and thank you for checking out the game.