Go-Karting Xtreme Opening Hours

:alarm_clock:Go-Karting Xtreme: Opening Hours

:wave: Welcome to Go-Karting Xtreme opening hours page. Here you can find the updated opening times for sessions at Go-Karting Xtreme.

:small_red_triangle: Our main timezone is GMT, we may not have sessions in all time zones however we are always looking to expand.

:racing_car: Sessions start every 30 minutes at XX:00 or XX:30.

:checkered_flag: It is recommended to arrive in game 10 minutes before the session starts.

:arrow_double_up: Join the group for a chance to rank up the racer ranks!

:link: Roblox Game
:link: Roblox Group

Opening Times:

  • All times are in GMT, use a converter to find your time.

Monday - Friday
17:00 - 21:00
23:00 - 00:00

Saturday & Sunday
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00

Chief Operation Officer

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