"Go to Profile" Search option

This is useful when you know the username of the user and don’t want to go to the Browse page just to get to their profile. There is really nothing else to say about this since it’s pretty self-explanatory.


Meanwhile, I made this piece of code that does the same thing.


var searchDropdown = $(".universal-search-dropdown").first()
var searchInput = $("#searchInput")
searchDropdown.append('<div class="universal-search-option" data-searchurl="/user.aspx?username="><div class="universal-search-text">Go to Profile <span class="universal-search-string"><p id="search"></p></span></div></div>')
var goToProfile = $("#search")


Agreed, this would be a nice thing to have. Also, thanks for the script. ^^

Well, I like going to the browse page because it displays the last time they were on, that’s literally the only reason I like it. Also, why are keywords checked for when checking for a profile? It should be just checked through the name, and not the damn blurb… (also, is that JQuery? Because if it is… I need to learn some of that)

I do find it odd it that it searches through profile blurbs, it probably shouldn’t, but I guess it can be interesting to see who’s mentioned you.

No JQuery, that’s just plain old Javascript.

He proposed to add a new button in the search. You will still be able to go to the browse page by clicking on “People” instead of “Go To Profile”.

I do find it odd it that it searches through profile blurbs, it probably shouldn’t, but I guess it can be interesting to see who’s mentioned you.

No JQuery, that’s just plain old Javascript.[/quote]

It is actually a mix of JavaScript and jQuery.

I do find it odd it that it searches through profile blurbs, it probably shouldn’t, but I guess it can be interesting to see who’s mentioned you.

No JQuery, that’s just plain old Javascript.[/quote]

It is actually a mix of JavaScript and jQuery.[/quote]

Technically it’s just JavaScript, which happens to be utilizing a jQuery framework. Still JavaScript though. I wouldn’t call it flat out jQuery because it’s not. jQuery can, I guess, be viewed as an extension of JavaScript, but it’s not any different from the kind of extension that you get when you change the global environment in Lua or require a ModuleScript which does so.