Goku and Vegeta Outfits for my Upcoming DBZ Game

So I started working on a Dragon Ball game, and I made some outfits first to test stuff out, and my brother wanted me to post them here. I don’t know how I’ll actually add them but it was still good practice.
Front views are on the bottom, back views are on top.


Looking quite nice. I really like the kanji symbols on Goku’s outfit, and the colours look pretty spot-on. Vegeta’s armour is also quite nice, with the correct colours and all. Great job! Also, you could probably weld them to the character, so if they are Goku or Vegeta, the clothing that is welded to a limb will of course move with the limb. :slight_smile:


Incredibly accurate! I like the details you put into the Goku outfit, with the wrinkly pants and the symbol on the back of his shirt! I think you did a fantastic job on this one!


Very square and linear but if that’s the actual style you’re going for then it’s great but vegeta’s actual armour covers his arms more, so I would suggest putting longer sleeves and smaller gloves. Also the goku outift is really good, I like the details but it’s missing the blue wrist bands.