The item Gold Clockwork Headphones has recently became a tradable item, however there are many issues that came along with this. Prior to it becoming tradable it was a “Limited 2.0”, now it should function as a normal limited. The issue is that it is missing multiple economy API endpoints. The endpoints I found not functioning were the resellers and seller-data.
Is this lack of features present for other Limited 2.0 items?
If so, I’d recommend making a feature request, as that would make it a feature lacking from Limited 2.0 items rather than a bug.
Not trying to throw any shade your way. This could actually be because the Limited 2.0s aren’t using CollectibleIDs, which would make it a bug.
There are only 2 limited 2.0 items that are tradable and its apparent in both yeah. Im not really educated on the inner workings of roblox items like collectibleids etc but you could be correct. The other item
I believe it would be more logical and consistent to extend the functionality of the existing endpoints to support Limited 2.0 items, rather than to just use separate ones.
Adding onto this post, enabling the ability to view item owners (like you can with normal limiteds) via the{AssetID}/owners?limit=100 endpoint would be incredibly useful. Currently you are met with an error message that states “You do not have permission to view the owners of this asset.”
The new APIs are not restricted to only asset based items.
Later this year, certain legacy economy asset APIs will be deprecated once the usage is dropped.
Going forward, the term Limited 1.0 is going obsolete. All limited items created by Roblox will share the same features and characteristics.
As your rolimons community manager, things like golden clockwork headphones dont appear when it comes to things like trade hangout or in value changes etc
will that all break down with the change how will it work for that ( random question i get it ) ?
I Also hope this brings new limited U stocked items now its fixed and these can be tradeable ?
really hope to even see old items go limited now this system has been fixed