"Gold Pilot Wings - Tate McRae" Advertised As Limited During Onsale Time But Never Went Limited

These Issues Affect The Following Items : Gold Pilot Wings - Tate McRae - Roblox

Expected Behaviour
The Item Is Limited ( The Limited Icon Was Displayed In The Experience And It Was Advertised/Stated As Going Limited After Its Initial Sale )

Actual Behaviour
This Item Is Offsale, ( The Limited Icon Is In The Experience And It Was Advertised As A Paid Limited,
This has caused Critics after it was stated to go limited after being on sale 2 Different times. Many have believed they have wasted there robux and have expressed upset.

Visual Aids


A private message is associated with this bug report


Thank you for reaching out. This is an acknowledgement post. We have assigned the issue to our team for further review.


Thank you, we cant wait to hear from you :grin:


good thing someone reported this :pray::pray::pray::pray: its been a little too long since this was suppose to go limited.


Yes, stated limited and lots of fans got excited, really big shame that were having to request something that was mandated and pledged by roblox

limited 188018


first time writing a post here so how long do they normally take to update ?

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1-2 weeks usually for issues that aren’t as small as a speck or invisible thumbnail


Roblox has recently talked about the elton john boots and the vault star sunglasses being acknowledged but still no update for now if anyone is interested, Bump


I don’t think they’ll make this limited years later, but it was literally advertised that way. And as if that wasn’t enough, they gave specific time frames like with the Gucci limiteds. On top of that, they even used the label that appears on limited items at the stand where you could purchase the item. This was supposed to be limited, but it’s way overdue.

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Hopefully this will soon be limited as promised :pray:

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I believe it never was suppose to go limited and the company just thought that “limited” means “Limited time” like many other events. Due to this you were also able to receive refunds for specific events doing the same thing. This also explains the release times advertised

I mean it would be cool if it will go limited like it was advertised but i don’t think it was ever meant to be

I guess hoping it would go limited

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Did the Tate McRae concert ever actually happen?

This was uploaded on the roblox account, confirming it was infact meant to be a limited

It could be possibly meant to go limited but uploading the accessory to the roblox account itself doesn’t really proof anything because many old event/sponsor accessories were uploaded under the roblox account years ago

I hope it goes limited either way theres no reason not to

They were uploaded on there to, once again go limited