Only in r6 when wearing the arms for either bundle a weird grey line appears on the back of the hands. The grey line appears on the avatar editor as well but as a white line instead of grey. but even stranger when wearing a classic shirt, not classic pants or t-shirts, the hands absorb the texture of the classic shirt as seen in the 2 images. In one I am wearing a classic shirt with the purple black error and the second image I am wearing a classic shirt that is an picture of water. Still the grey line on the back of the hand remains. The last 2 images are the hands from the front showing how the classic shirt texture gets placed on them. This happens in all games when in R6 and all classic shirts work. The reason I did not provide as many images of the crook bundle having the same issue is because the hands look identical to the Golden suit since they use the same model. I would really like this bug fixed even though it is funny to have error hands the constant grey line behind the hands in all R6 games annoys me.
Expected behavior
I expect to see my hands in the skin color I selected for my avatar without a grey line appearing in the back of the hands or for the classic shirt I am wearing to glitch onto the hands. This goes for both bundles
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