Good CTR and Play Rate's for Sponsorships

So recently I used the Ad’s Manager for the first time, and I had no idea what I was doing so I ended up picking a bunch of random settings for my game’s ad.

I’m wondering if this is an alright CTR for an ad, how the cost per play part works (like if you put a lower cost per play will it affect your ad at all), and overall what I could’ve done better with my budget.

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nope u want ctr 2% realistically

Do you have any tips to improve CTR? This is the thumbnail I was using

aaaa good luck on that I heard something about a huge casino game called Ben’s casino that got taken down recently.

One suggestion is maybe add like one of the slot machine things as the background with dollar signs which could catch the eye

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Hey just wanted to ask what happened to your game? I am planning to make a casino game but I am wary of TOS.

It got taken down for violating ToS, I don’t believe I violated ToS in any way but I haven’t bothered to appeal it since Roblox’s appeals aren’t great

If you’re going to make a casino game like this I’d recommend paying extra close attention to the ToS and possibly changing up the aesthetic so it’s less like a casino

Damn that sucks, did you have any artificial luck or dev products that you added for monetary value? My previous casino game got banned for that, it’s just that there are people saying playable gambling is allowed, but then it isn’t allowed. Honestly I might just discontinue the game, I don’t want it to get locked again.

No dev products, the only thing I could think of was maybe a gamepass that slightly boosted how much currency per second you got to play the machines with. That is allowed typically as you aren’t directly buying currency to play the machines with.

Interesting, maybe Roblox mods just saw the casino game and banned it. Would you recommend making a casino game with no gamepasses and dev products with the prospect of it getting banned?

Playable Gambling Content is against Roblox TOS as stated here. I would not make a Gambling game if I were you.

Probably not worth the time or effort, I’d just recommend making a different style of game as ToS is very strict with this type of stuff