Good CTR for advertising?

hello, i just finished my second game and noticed that now theres a Search Experience tab aswell as a Sponsored Experience tab. with my previous game, i only used the sponsored experience however i have a feeling this isnt all that good as not many players actually care about the sponsored section on roblox (and personally i think this should be removed, lol!)

i got about 1% CTR using sponsored experience with my previous game, which i heard is mid. using search experience for this game, im getting about 2.7%. is this a good sign that my game will be “thrown” into the algorithm or is there much more, like average revenue per day or average playtime etc.

many thanks!

I think that 2.7% is pretty good CTR. However, I think there is more than just CTR. I’m not sure, But I think that CCU and average playtime would be the most important things. If you have 100K CCU, but each player plays for an average of 2 minutes, you probably won’t be popular for long, or get anybody to buy anything.

I wouldn’t think that revenue would be too important, but I’m sure the algorithm calculates that it a bit too.
People who spend money like your game. The more money you get = more players that like your game.

I’m not sure, but I would try to get hopefully 5 minutes or more of average playtime (depending on your type of game), and at least a thousand CCU, and you could probably be found on the homepage.

update - one of my ads got 8% ctr and another got about 5% (which is insane) but its extremely slow, within the mid thousands after a day, and i doubt it actually brings any long lasting players into my game unless its too early to judge.

Do I have to run ads for a week straight like some youtubers say in order to be pushed into the algorithm? surely these numbers are plenty good