Good laptops for running studio

So recently with a lot of traveling, I’ve figured bringing a laptop to work would be good for killing spare time. But I’m not too familiar with that industry, do you have any recommendations for my needs? I would like a portable but not small that it’d be a pain to use, just something that could be a carryon in a flight. Obviously it needs to run studio smoothly and most likely other things like VSC and discord. I’m unsure if a budget of about 1 thousand USD is fit for my needs, but, that’s why I made this post right?

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So, your budget is $1000 huh? With that budget you can buy a variety of things. Obviously, you can create a custom laptop. But if you don’t want the work, then you can get a high-end gaming laptop. Like Omen or Victus. If you do decide to get those laptops, get the ones with a GeForce RTX Graphics Card. And yeah, that’s all I got for you