[GOOD PAY] Hiring Scripter

I am looking to create a game in the science fiction genre. I need someone to assist me with scripting this game.

Payment will be discussed further in private messages either here on the developer forum or within discord. Feel free to tag along a friend if they also know how to script. I am not opposed to hiring a team. I just ask that you all be professional, mature, and want to work.

There are a few things that need to be created:

  • Inventory system with the ability to save
  • Custom Toolbar
  • Basic agility skills (example: wall climbing)
  • Start screen
  • Tools that allow collection of resources found around a map
  • Ability to have a crafting station within a GUI (make items)
  • Ability to put on armor and other accessories
  • Sell and purchase items for an in game currency
  • Everything must be working with Filtering Enabled
  • Tools models are made (just need scripting)


Discord: Jamie#2608

A general piece of advice that everyone gets when making this mistake is that you should always name the payment figures or payment range on the thread itself. You should also include the type and method of payment, for example, some people are only interested in USD or Robux payments. Right now nobody knows how much you’re willing to offer for this work and they are likely not to bother messaging you to get that information.


I appreciate this advice! Payment will either be via Paypal or group funds based of what you wish!
I’d like to negotiate prices rather first.

A payment range on the thread invites more well structure negotiations, otherwise you’re excluding potential scripters who don’t feel like its worth the time to go ask for the payment range in private v.s. just seeing it on the thread anyways (its just pointless not to include it, because its at potential candidates inconvenience more than it’d be your inconvenience)

I mean, you might argue that you don’t want people who are supposedly that lazy, but they may in fact end up being more competent candidates for your team than those who applied.

Take it from someone who worked for a while on steady scripting jobs


Yup agreed

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