Good way to access server side information from client?

I am implementing a teleportation feature on the client side. Whenever a player presses a certain UI button I want to teleport the player to the spawn point of their tycoon. Every single player has a different tycoon so I’m not going to be able to access the spawn point by just doing game.workspace.SpawnPoint. What would be a good way to send the specific tycoon the player is in from the server?

You could create a RemoteFunction that gets triggered when the player joins, and stores the return value(aka the plot number) in a variable(or IntValue, StringValue, etc) on the client so you can always use it.

Thank you, I couldn’t figure out how to use remote functions but your idea help inspire another idea which worked and they’re similar so I’ll give solution. I ended up giving each player a StringValue called Tycoon, and the value of that StringValue was set to whatever tycoon the player owned. This allowed me to reference the specific tycoon.

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