Goofy light problem

I have searched for like an hour on what could fix this problem but I dont know what to do and btw I CANT increase wall whith

see the light just emitting from the middle thats from inside and putting stuff at future lighting makes the room very dark and just reflects and does no affect on low graphics settings

First one is shadowmap and second is future, future has no light leaks but i dont wants these silly reflections

Is there another way to stop the leaks or a way to make future lighting look more like shadow map?

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Can’t really answer exactly that but I can provide you with some tips.
First of all, of course the walls are going to be so reflective, you’re using a metallic material! Metal shines. Secondly, you have a few options that you could use individually or in unison if you wish.

  1. Turn down the brightness of that Pointlight.

  2. Go to the Lighting and tone down EnvironmentSpecularScale, just play around with it. It’s responsible for mainly reflections, especially on metals. The lower the value, the lower the reflection.

  3. Your Bloom is unnecessarily bright. If that’s what you’re going for then go ahead, but I’d suggest turning down the intensity as it’s also causing the reflections to get pretty bright as well.

Those are my suggestions, till later!

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this has helped a lot but the material kinda has to be metallic is there anything i could do?

What do you mean by kind of metallic? Do you want it to shine or not? Or am I just missing something?

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make the time of day night then no light comes in because i assume its a game that takes place inside a building all the time

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im just asking if there is a way to avoid this

unfortunately it doesn’t

Like I said earlier, this should do it.

Use material service to create a custom material, override that metal material, then set the metalness and roughness maps to a pure white image. It should get rid of the specular highlights (the shiny things)

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