Gore Warning on my Roblox Experience


I need help understanding the reason behind the gore warning for my Roblox experience. My goal is to comply with the platform’s rules while keeping the experience available on Roblox.

The warning I received lacked specific details about the gore issue. My experience involves a simple execution scene with no blood but includes visual and sound effects like sparkle emitters, smoke emitters, and an electric shock sound. Additionally, there’s a feature where a bot NPC randomly selects a player for a guillotine execution, without any extra effects or blood.

I’d appreciate insights into what elements are considered gore and guidance on modifying my experience to meet community standards. I already reached out to Roblox support seeking clarification, but they stated the warning won’t be adjusted based on the evidence they have.

I asked again if the concept of my game was considered gore and requested cooperation on which assets or features to remove. I was told that they cannot provide me with any further information. Funnily, the age requirement was even reset to N/A by the moderator, so the game was accessible to all ages.

I’m uncertain about Roblox’s expectations and would appreciate any assistance or advice from the community. Insights from anyone familiar with Roblox’s policy on gore would be valuable, thank you!


Because there’s no blood or sound effects (screaming in pain and anguish) I wouldn’t consider it “gore”, although since there are execution devices I would defintly consider that moderatly violent, and I personally would not consider it appropiate for someone very young to witness that. Roblox’s 13+ description states that experiences “May contain moderate violence”, so I would definitely set the game to at least 13+ or 17+ if you really want to be extra safe.

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Thank you for your response! You make a good point, and I’ve taken your advise and modified the experience age requirement to 13+. It’s better to be safe than sorry, as I don’t want my experience taken down from Roblox or face any more moderation implications. I’m hoping this has little effect on the audience size

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