Got 3 day ban for uploading audio

So very recently like before 5 mins I got banned for uploading this audio.

The audio was for the sound of the mob slime dying in my game. Its very similar sound to Minecraft mobs dead sound effects.

Reason I got banned: ‘Misusing Roblox Systems’

Moderator Note: ‘Roblox does not permit bypasses of our systems that keep our platform and community safe and secure.’

Well thank you for not telling me why I got 3 day ban :blush:

Now I can’t work on important projects :blush:


I’ve been having this happen to me.


i got banned for a day for “scamming” for uploading a thumbnail
contact roblox support, i was able to get the ban removed.


do i select moderation and then appeal content or account? i’ve appealed content only

That doesn’t sound like a slime dying, that sounds like a man whipsering.



text limit

this is just for text limit which is minimum 30 ch**acters ok


roblox censored me for saying “30 cr**acters”


Also “torpedo” word is filtered too (in chat)
and that’s annoying part


Happened to me once but They finally responded and said they removed the ban after my unban date XD


why do you want to say “torpedo”?

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blame the goofy roblox moderation.

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jaghuar vehneno?

What did you said in the audio?

Nothing :joy: I just made cringe sound trying to sound like minecraft spider death sound.
And I got 3 day ban with no explanation. Also I got banned again for 3 days the previous Friday for the exact same reason. I uploaded the wrong audio which was bass boosted and got banned again (I made music and there were 2 files of the music which one of them was bass boosted just for fun). Well at least I knew it was cuz the audio was bass boosted (even though they didnt tell me why am banned again) but why do they just not warn me? Instead they banned me for 3 days cuz of uploading bass boosted audio on accident.

Edit: Also every time I appeal they always put fake person name probably ai generated name and also botted response explaining “Um actually, we don’t care so we won’t unban u and we won’t undelete your audio which didn’t break our tos”

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This guy probably got banned for 1 day cuz the audio sounded like its bass boosted which is not against the TOS but they ban u for that. I also got banned again previous week for bass boosted audio WHICH they don’t explain the reason. I just figured out the reason myself by guessing.
And again its stupid that they ban you for 1-3 days for uploading bass boosted audio cuz they can just warn you and delete it instead of banning you.

I must say, the audio kinda sounds like a dude whispering.

I suspect you were falsely banned because moderation might’ve thought the audio has some kind of “sexual nature”.
But that’s just my guess on it.

Yeah I think that too. But am loki angly that it has been reviewed from allegedly a real person since I got email from allegedly roblox moderator with pretty basic name which is probably randomly choosed or generated by an ai.

Hate to bump this dead thread but I uploaded this simple low hum to my game and got a day ban without any explanation other than your same error. This is the sound that they deem “innapropriate”…