Sorry, if this is not the right place to post this.
I’m about to get scammed(99% sure). So, there this guy, i made a game for him. Half payment he made when i have finished the half game. And now for the other half he sent me not the other half payment but with some deduction.
The game was delayed for the launch because of me for which I’ll take all the responsibility and worked for a extra month and let him deduct some of money from the payment.
And now he have hold some extra more money, and asking me to transfer the script and make some changes and add few more feature to a new game of his for which he gonna send me the remaining money.
Now i want to ask that as im about to get scammed. Can i release the game assets?
The answer is “I shouldn’t” but i want to. So if i did.
I worked in his space and now i have been removed from the group. He have the full game and I have no access except to a copy a downloaded because of his sketchy behaviour.
personally what i would do is threaten to leak the file. although i understand if you think its wrong to do that, or even say that you are going to. still, it is the best way that you can get payment, because they will basically lose the half that they already gave you if they lose the game.
Reason i haven’t and most prob would release the asset because this idiot owns a server with few hundred members. And i dont want kids in my DM telling me i scammed someone. The money dont worth the headache.
But for future, if i need to make a scammer regret then how can i?
best case scenario they give you the payment after the threat (the logical choice). if they dont, just turn your dms off. you didnt scam anyone, and you know that. you most likely wont be able to convince people about what actually happened, but you can try
like everyone else said, threaten to release the place file.
and if the guy still doesn’t pay up, release it everywhere and anywhere you can. including the dc itself.
ignore the crying children in your dms or have some fun with them, because let’s be honest what’s 300 children gonna do? try to convince you to say “i’m sowwy” to someone who doesn’t deserve the apology?
(come to think of it downloading a place file for the game is probably the best way to prevent yourself from getting scammed because you now have a way to threaten people who refuse to pay you what you signed up for)
Bonus points if you just did an update, and had access to the entire game, including stuff you DIDN’T make, because lets be honest, if you coded the entire game, its really only a lost to you, not them.