GP_Tracy's Portfolio | Modeler and Builder

Hello, I’m GP_Tracy a 16-year-old Roblox Modeler and Game Builder. I love working with experienced people or in an experienced team where everyone knows what they are doing. I have modeled items for famous Youtubers like Zarc and WaffleTrades with both over 160k Subscribers. I’m also a UGC Creator with 14+ UGC out right now and the owner of a group with over 600 members.
I am a person who can motivate themselfes and others and won’t give up that easily. I am good at teaching stuff myself and when ever I succeed I share my success with my close friends.

I model in Blender

Models I have made and I am working on

The Donut Series I created and stilll make items for:


Low Poly Stuff:

Unused Models:

Maps and Buildings I have made and I am working on

interior Desings I made:

an Event Map I built:

My time Zone is CEST (central European Summer Time) and I mostly work on the weekends but in case a project isn’t finished by the end of the weekend I won’t stop working on it during the week. If I can’t finish a Project by the time you gave me I’ll let you know ahead of time.

Payment may vary depending on how big the project is and how hard it is to complete. When you pay me is up to you I prefer before and after I finished the work!

I only accept Robux and Robux Giftcards!!

You can contact me here on the Dev-Forum or here:

Discord: GP_Tracy (recommended)
Twitter: GP__Tracy (not recommended since I don’t use it often)
Roblox: @GP_Tracy (not recommended)

Thank you for reading. Feel free to contact me with any questions.